The Municipal Natural Park Monte Coto was declared the 23 of March of 2007 by agreement of the Council of the Generalitat Valenciana. Occupies approx. 763 ha of the Monóvar term and is located in the Sierra del Reclot which, with a total extension of 2,400 ha, extends through the municipalities of Monóvar, Pinoso, Algueña and La Romana. It has multiple ecological merits, landscape, historical-cultural and related to recreational and recreational uses.
El Coto presents an uneven relief, with steep slopes. Its highest point reaches 997 meters and is located at the head of the Barranco de Caseta. Dominated for the most part by a dense excess of Carrasco pine, offers for its vegetation, certain aspects of interest: Barranco de la Quitranera and Cabeceras and umbría del Barranco de Caseta.
The only existing buildings are the abandoned facilities attached to the old quarry of Mote Coto and the fire-fighting tower located in Alto Redondo.
In addition there are some dispersed constructions of agricultural character in the surroundings of the space. The nearest town is the Houses of the Lord, about 700m from the northern limit of the Paraje.
This mountain is an enclave of great interest in the C.V., since it acts as a territory of transition between the coastal lands and the interior areas of the plateau. This and the climate conditions the presence of singular species of great value.
The existence of different environmental units such as scrubland and trees and ravines allows the presence of a great diversity of fauna: birds, amphibians (scarce by the few existing water points), reptiles (detected about thirteen species: the snake Green, red-headed lizard, lizard …).
The most excellent species in mammals are the cat mounts, the garduna, the jineta, the dormouse, the weasel, the badger and the squirrel.
Among the species present there are more than 100 species of birds. They emphasize the nesting raptors associated with rocky means, among which the eagle stands out. Other species that can be observed are: the European short-toed eagle, common hawk, common hawk, buster ratoner, peregrine falcon, kestrel and kestrel.
Some 700 plant species are known. The most relevant species is the Gal·ler or Valencian oak (Quercus faginea), we can see it in the Barranco de la Quitranera, one of the best preserved corners of the whole Paraje.
With a total of 13.200m2 located in Los Casas del Señor, the Natura classroom has facilities prepared to accommodate walkers, groups, schools … with bedrooms, changing rooms with showers, sports facilities, barbecue and exhibition hall. From the classroom of the Natura we can start different tours.
This route can be started by any of the three points. Al Almorquí is accessed from the GR-7 between Los Casas del Señor and Las Encebras. Following a forest track, you reach a rest area where you can see remains of old coal logs, a plaster kiln and a water cistern.
In the Pino de la Farola we can choose to head to the Cavafría or to go up to the viewpoint in the direction of Las Tres Fuentes.
This route goes through the zones of more ecological value of the whole region, with samples of flora, fauna, cavities and spectacular panoramic views.
The passage has great potential in relation to leisure activities and environmental education.
Within the space several mountain sports are developed, such as climbing and trekking, running along several small paths interconnected with each other; PRV-166: Almorquí-Cavafría-Tres Fuentes and PRV-3: Pinoso-Los Tres Fuentes-Pinoso and with the path of great route GR-7.
From the point of view of traditional uses, El Coto is a local and local referent very ingrained in the population. Throughout history, several uses have been developed and used as a source of resources: beekeeping, grazing, esparto collection, obtaining lime and chalk, extraction of ornamental rocks, carbonar, collection of medicinal plants, collection Of sand, use of water from sources, etc.